As a writer, I'm constantly wrestling with research. I spend a lot of time angrily muttering about lack of seamless integration, about not having a real system, about punk librarians . . . well now I may have to shut up.
While I've been researching a new book, I downloaded some Firefox tools and found this divine intervention for serious writers and researchers: Zotero. Just visit the site and watch the video.
here was this one time, I was coming home from picking up the kids and they were in the van with me and I was yelling to Rah to put her bookbag on the middle seat and she was trying but she couldn't and I wigged out. I mean I just went wacko. I screamed at her and said some pretty crazy things and threated to stop the van and let her walk home. Just another normal day.
Christopher Garlington is currently weaning himself from his obsession with do-rags in order to appear more like a grown-up in the presence of his children. As soon as he opens his mouth or tells a story you know, pretty much, everything’s going to end up as a fart joke or a story about puke. His Christmas tree is currently in the running for longest standing post-holiday decoration in the posh, Northside Chicago neighborhood where he lives with his wife and two kids. Mr. Garlington was born in Birmingham, AL and raised briefly in the hills of Shelby County and then for a seemingly unendurable enternity among the lakes and groves of Lake County, FL. He considers himself a southern writer. He has one tattoo. He has no college education. He makes perfect gumbo.